Jacob Cardoso

Student & Developer


Hello! My name is Jacob Cardoso, and I'm a grade 12 student at
Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School in Burlington, Ontario.
I'm applying to university to study computer science so I can
grow as a programmer, leader and student.

In university I'm hoping to gain valuable work experience and knowledge
that will help me achieve my current long term goal
of starting and growing a company that develops children's education software.


Python and Java
Python and Java are currently my two strongest programming languages. I've been using Python for about two years and Java for half a year. I'm knowledgeable in Python modules as well, such as Pygame, PyQt5 and more. In Java, I've developed small command-line programs related to games and finance, but I plan to use it more in the upcoming months to create desktop applications.

PC Building
Building computers is one of my passions. I built my first PC in 2016, followed by my second in 2017 for my parents and my third in 2020 for my brother. Besides solely building currently operational systems, I have disassembled and worked on a countless number of computers in different of the computing-related courses I have taken since tenth grade. Before building PC's, I repaired my elementary school's devices occasionally.

HTML CSS Javascript
This website was made using my knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript. Although I'm not as skilled with them compared to Python, Java and Arduino, I have experience making web based games such as a space invaders recreation. Along with this, I've used several IoT protocols and API's along with RESTful to create functional programs that work with Arduino's and Raspberry Pi's anywhere in the world.

Photohop and Premiere
I've been using Adobe Photoshop and Premiere for about 7 and 5 years, respectively. I started by doing celebrity face swaps and slowly improved by doing graphic design for my friends and family. After using Photoshop for some time, I started learning how to edit school projects and video game clips in Premiere. With plenty of time and practice, I've made Photoshop and Premiere some of my greatest assets.


Grade 11

Computer Science 100%

Computer Engineering 100%

Business 98%

Law 98%

Grade 12

100% Computer Science

100% Computer Engineering

98% Data Management

© 2020 Jacob Cardoso All Rights Reserved

Email: jacobcardoso2003@gmail.com

Phone: 905-320-7895